Saturday, November 10, 2012

So You Think You Want To COMPETE!!!!???

Alright, I know I have been gone a minute.  A lot of things going on.. Those who know me know that I am  a HUSTLER, and I make shit happen.  Gotta make that money.  When you are self employed you have to make sure that you have AT LEAST 3 sources of income.  So when one goes down you have more income coming in and not left in the food line.  Thank God that I have the motivation and capability to do that.   Well, any way, my blog is not going to be about me HUSTLIN.. lmao it is about FITNESS, and even more direct than that, it is about COMPETING.  Getting on stage and showing the world all of the hard work that you have put in.

I am going to be very blunt about this because this week alone I have had 3 people come to me saying that they want me to train them for a competition.

First let me tell you, just seeing magazines, going to a local or national bodybuilding show, or having a friend or family member that competes, is not constitute  getting yo azz on stage and showing off your physique.  This goes for men and women.

Let me cut to the chase "BOTTOM LINE UPFRONT".  If you can't stay on a diet, this sport is not for you.  You can still look great and not compete. Dieting is 85% of Competing.  Competing is not for the weak minded.  We are EXTREMIST. ..... PERIOD.  That is with the diet and training.

I am not talking about doing a dayum fast or detox and think that is dieting... hell no.  The average amount of time getting ready for a show is 12-14 weeks.  That is lower no fat, manipulation of carbs and high protein.  No matter how you try to get around it, you can't CHEAT and think that your body is going to be at a low % body fat.  Its not going to happen.  I don't give a dayum what kind of supplements strong or not you are taking  you have to eat clean the entire time.

There will be times of course that I am sure your trainer will give you cheat days because you are ahead of schedule.  Those people are blessed.  lol  Everyday you have to cook your food ahead of time, eat on time and not cheat.

I hear all the time where people say they cheat the whole time and they are ripped.  Well, first of all people tell you shit to through yo azz off.  Remember crazy, this is a COMPETITION.  LMMFAO
There are so many haters out there.  Your best friend is probably hatin on you and you don't even know it.  Even a family member.

Now, that was diet... lets touch on Training...

It is so easy to workout... train, whatever you may call it.. but if you are doing the SAME SHIT every dayum day, you are not going to change.  Make sure that there is a mixture of cardio, high reps, low reps, heavy weight and light weight all the time.. Don't remain the same by allowing your workouts to remain the same.

Just think about it....if you DON'T have a  trainer and you train yourself, have a plan before you step yo azz in the gym.  Plan out your workout the night before, put it in your phone and pull it out when you get there.  Don't go on what someone else does, you know what your body needs.  If don't, hire a dayum trainer that TRAINS COMPETITORS, and go for it.


Cardio is very important.  Sometimes you might have to do 3 hours just to get your body down.  People
don't like to admit that much cardio, but hey if your aren't on schedule you have to do what you have to do.  Most people do 2 hours a day.  If you don't have the time to do it.... this sport is not for you.. and this is just cardio I am talking about.  Get yo azz up at 5 do the first one... and do the last one when the kids are down at night.. BOOM!!

Money Money Money Money

This dayum sport is EXPENSIVE as hell. You have to buy good food, your supplements, pay your trainer, hire a posing coach, (we will touch on that too) tan, for women, makeup, hair, nails, toes, music, (if needed) Airfare, hotel, and transportation.  All of that and you might not ever get a dayum trophy.  Hell, this is not to discourage the folks that want to compete.  It is real talk.  There is only 1 TOP 5.  The rest go home with nada.

Hire a posing coach that can teach you how to present your body.  STOP looking at YouTube Videos and think that you can POSE.  lol.  I love YouTube but I am not going to watch a video and then think I can get on stage in front of hundreds of people.  wow.  Think about it.  There are professionals out there that do this for a living.  Don't waste time and major money thinking.. "Oh, I got this".  lol
yeah right.

But My Homeboys think I look Great. 

 Just because a mutha fucka in the gym said you look like you should be on stage doesnt mean that you should.  You might be the FINEST person in YOUR gym but standing next to a man or chick from Tennessee that is a Field Hand, that is a different story.

Do your research because you might not have the symmetry you think you have.  What I mean by that is your body must present an X.... wide shoulders, small waist and thick legs... Not big upper body with chicken legs.  That goes for men and women.  Women in all categories you have to have TITIES, if you don't you won't win.  I don't give a dayum what the rest of your body looks like you are not going to win a NATIONAL show.. Yeah you might win a local show in your hometown but NATIONALLY you can fuckin forget it.  If you are BIKINI, you also need to have a nice ass,.  can't be flat and it  can't be FAT.  Gone are the days where the sistas have the best asses.  I have seen some white girls that have great ones and they are not flabby or with hail damage.  One thing about sistas, yeah we have some curvy asses, but with that comes hail damage on it and on the hamstrings and quads.  White gurls tone that shyt up.  Now, I am not talking the average person, I am talking about competitors.  And of course not everyone.  Those brazilian girls were BORN THAT WAY.. great butts...


Guys, it is not all about your dayum chest and biceps.  What about training your legs.. Pump them up... Squat dayum it.  Get yo azz to the ground.  Get yo azz tight.  Nothing worse than seeing a dude on stage with a flabby azz.  DAYUM. SMDH.  LMMFAO.
Again, this is not the average man I am talking about..... I am talking about the competitor.  Just because you walk around the gym with yo chest out, azz out, suckin in that gut and yo homeboy told you that you should compete...... he is settin yo azz up.  lol.  Seek professional help.. Hire a trainer.

You have to have a PASSION for the sport.  You have to be selfish... because it is ALL about you.  You have to have an understanding mate because you are going to be a bitch on the diet.  I know a lot of people that break up because of competitions.

Think about it before you call someone and say hey can you get me ready for a competition because My next question is can you DIET??

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wake the Hell UP and Get that Fat off your AZZ!!

I am so tired right now of people around me that I have access to me and still aren't doing what they are suppose to do.

I have had another client have to go to the Dr. today because of not eating properly.

I am a Personal Trainer.... My job is to get you healthy as possible.. You have to fuckin listen though.  I can kick your azz in the gym.. run you to death, but if you are 30 + overweight.... get yo dayum mind right and do this shit for your family.

I am not coming down on just one person.. I am not just coming down on my clients.. This is yo azz if the dayum shoe fits.. keep that mutha fucka on.

All these pills and and insulin shots are not cute.  I am so sick of people thinking that having high blood pressure is just the way of life.. MY PEOPLE are famous for that shyt.  Oh the doctor but me on high blood pressure medication.... (like that is the gold standard).. Oh I got SUGA....... bitch is not suga its diabetes and it is a silent killer.  It is eating up your insides. It will have your limbs amputated.. Will that wake your dead ass up?????

What is it going to take?  I posted a long comment On my FB last week about one of my old clients who is 33 years old and had a heart attack.  I then waited and asked the ones who made comments....what did you do to change???  I will ask again.... are you keeping your word and keeping your eyes on the goal?

I know we don't how we will leave this earth but hell, can you get your health in order so you won't have a heart attack or stroke the fuck out?  Can you do that.. ????

Hey, it is apparent you don't give a fuck about yourself so do it for your kids.. How about being able to see your kids walk across the stage, TWICE...... Get married, have kids, etc

Do you want to be around for that?

I have been in this industry for 2 decades, I have seen and heard it all.

If I hear one more person tell me that they are on Prescribed Meds and they have a trainer I am going to scream.

You see, I can't come home with you and MAKE you eat right.  You have to do that on your own.
"But I have a food addiction".... carry your overweight ass to the Psychiatrist and find out what the Fuck is wrong with you.  You are killing yourself because your ass has OTHER problems.

Just like people who Get the "SURGERIES"  Now don't get me wrong some of you need or needed those because you got so out of hand.... but 75% if not more, gain that shyt back because their minds are still fucked up.

All that risk, time, pain, stress for nothing.  Wowowowow!!!

Having a trainer this day and age is a dayum luxury.  A lot of people wish they could afford it.
You have to go above and beyond.  I am not saying lose one addition for another, but if it is to get yo azz healthy I would rather see you in the gym.

Speaking on that you might be the one who isn't even working out AND you eat too much....Hell, I am not even going there until later.

I am not the "babying" type.  That is why some potential clients don't come to me.  I shoot straight from the MUSCLE baby. Don't sugar coat shyt.

Find another trainer if you want that type of stroking.

I want you to be healthy but if you don't want it doesn't mean shit.

Last month I posted on my YouTube Channel a free Giveaway..... for a customized Diet.  All you had to do was comment on my video and subscribe.  DAYUM.. IS THAT HARD?
I didn't get the participation that I wanted.  I was really surprised too.  I have people who pay big bucks for that shyt.  SMDH!!! Here I am GIVING it away.

Winter is right around the corner.  This is not a free Pass to eat like a bear and hibernate cos it's cold.  Some of you will do that shyt though.

Don't tell me that it is too expensive to eat right.. Shut the hell up.. Walmart has a bag of frozen Chicken Breast for $6.57 that will last you a week.  Bags of frozen veggies for $1.29.  DENIAL DENIAL DENIAL

Here is one of my clients.. She came to me about 3 years ago.  She was heavy but not as heavy as the before picture.  Yes, I do take some credit for helping her down but SHE wanted it.  She is such an inspiration not only to me but a lot of others.. So don't tell me it can't be done.

I could be a selfish bitch and say hell, I'm getting mine....get yours.  But it is not in my heart to do that..

Don't know what to do????

Checkout my YouTube Channel, I am always posting my clients on there.
Facebook: Dre Dillard Have A Dre Day
Instagram: Search : Sistahasmuscles 

All I can say is :


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

But I Love Him.....

We all have had a person in our lives that we have been a FOOL for.. Come on.. don't be in denial.  LOL.  Some of us have been a FOOL more than once.

I have to speak on this because of the latest season of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta.  They have gotten so many reviews on MiMi being a FOOL for Stevie J.  Hell, I am glad I don't know him cos I might be a fool for him too.  LMMFAO.

There comes a point in time when you have to say enough is enough from a mutha fucka doggin' you out.  Some people ( I can't even say men because women do it too) don't respect the opposite sex, therefore you get that type of doggish treatment.

What makes us stay in relationships when you know the other person isn't doing you right.  Cheating, lying, some physical abuse and so forth.  Really???? Why do we stay... ?  You know this bitch is with someone besides you but you still let them come back time after time.

Are you staying for the sex?  Do you think that the next person will not "ROCK YOUR WORLD" they way they can?

Do you think you can change them?  Please don't stay thinking that you can.. That shyt will never happen.

Do you believe that once a DOG; always a DOG???

Can people really change?

I feel that most people do want to change but you best believe that as long as you accept a person into your life, knowing they cheat.. they have no reason to stop..  You see.... they have their cake and their cupcake..  why should they change when yo ass is being weak.
DUMMY!!!  Yeah, I said it. Don't you think you are worth more than that?  They sure as hell don't think so.

Have you ever found out blatantly that your mate was cheating? I mean catching them on the downstroke.   Did you still stay with them?  If you did why..
I tell ya... there is NO WAY IN HELL I could stay seeing my mate pound another woman.  Would you go after the the other person or your mate?  It kills me when women go after the other woman.. What the hell is wrong with you.. That bitch owes you NOOOOOO loyalty.  Your man does.  Especially if you are married.. She didn't walk down the isle with yo azz.  He did.

Let me stay on the subject of marriage for a moment.

 Don't you hear it all the time, "I'm staying for the kids"  dayum that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.  Do you really want your kids seeing your fucked up marriage?  Oh, they know when mom or dad doesn't come home until the weeee hours of the night that something just isn't right.  They might be young but the years go by fast.  If you have little girls, it makes them look for dog ass men just like their dads.. If you have boys.... it makes want to be like their no good ass daddy.

I was in a relationship and  had a friend tell me that my mate was cheating .. I can honestly so that I got mad at that person.  Yeah, I was a lot younger.. but I hurt that person's feelings even though they were looking out for me.. I took it out on the messenger.
Double edged sword huh???  I don't know if I would be mad at someone NOW if they told me or not..
I do feel that what is done in the dark comes out in the light.... You will either catch the fool or you will stay in denial.

I look at people in relationships that I know one mate is a dog.. and wonder why that person is so weak and stays for the abuse.  I don't feel sorry for that person I actually think they are dumb.  Hey, this is my opinion and it's my blog and you know imma say what the hell I want.
Yeah, that person is weak and insecure.. Flip it.. do something for yourself.  Get your body right first, cos he or she probably cheated  cos they wanted something tighter and lighter... lol
Then dump that person...
If you are in it for the $$$$  then make sure it is real $$$$ not no 60 or 70K.  If imma put up with the bullshyt you best be bringing in 7 figures.. lol

Hey, I am not bashing.. my FOOL days are over.. Yeah, I had mine too.  lol. Learned from it.. Learned a hell of a lot about myself..

On the real, if you suspect your mate is cheating wake the fuck up.. too many diseases out there.

Please leave your comments below on my blog page not on Facebook.  Although I appreciate everyone taking the time out reading my opinions  I would love to see the comments on here.  People who read my blogs might not be FB friends... Tanks

Don't forget to checkout my YouTube Channel:
Instagram: Sistahasmuscles
Facebook:  Dre' Dillard Have A Dre Day

Saturday, September 1, 2012

What the "F" you staring at??

I woke up this morning with a comment on my LIKE page from some scrawny azz dude saying that the picture I posted of me last night was disgusting.. LMAO. Man....dont hate me because I have more muscle than you do.  It trips me out on the responses that I get because of the way that my body looks.
I guess I kinda know how fat people feel.... (difference is I want and choose to look the way that I do) lets get that shyt CLEAR.

I have had so many women say to me during  their assessment before hiring me....I want to get toned.. but I don't want to look like you.. I have never taken that personally because 10 x out of 10 then could NEVER look like me.. People have the misconception that they can build quality muscle in 6 months.. or hell even a fuckin year.. LMAO.. It takes years to build muscle..  We don't just wake up and look like this.. It takes crazy dedication to be a competitive  bodybuilder..  Let's talk about that word for a moment.. BODYBUILDER.  A bodybuilder is someone who sculpts their body.  A competitor is someone who competes on stage for a title. So those of you who are in the gym pumping iron.. CHANGING your are a bodybuilder.  Plain and simple. In our industry there are just a handful of people in it.

The main thing that most can't do is the diet.  The diet is the hardest thing about what we do.  If it were easy everyone would do it and everyone would be fine.  For a competitor it will make or break you..  Some have quit the sport because the diet deprives you of the things that make you feel comfortable.  JUNK FOOD and they just have to CHEAT!!  Not eating CLEAN food and sticking to your diet will make your body not be competitive.  There are some who can do the diet easy but for most it is hard.  It will make you learn a lot about who you really are..

I am guilty of looking at overweight people (when I am dieting) crazy as hell when I am in a restaurant.   Don't let it be a buffet.. I know how to order when I go out when I am strict on my diet... the average person does not know how to take it down a dayum notch when they go out.  If you are out with your mate.. and you are trying to cut back....order one plate and you guys share it.. Why do you feel the need to eat everything on your plate.. ??? dayum.. And stop ordering a damn diet drink.  Shyt.

  I can always tell when I am getting more toned.  Yeah, there are sometimes when my body is smooth.. but then when I turn up the dayum heat on my diet, cardio is longer.. my body responds.  I have a lot of muscle on my frame than the average woman.  I am a former National Level Bodybuilder what can I say..  the other day I went into the store straight after working out.  My arms where out and I had on spandex.  I swear as soon as I walked thru the door.. all eyes on me.  The stares that I got that day were positive.  I have been places when I was getting ready for a show when men and women would actually come up to me and ask if they could touch my arms.  LOL.  Trip huh? This aint no freak show.. lol

Stares from insecure bitches
Then I have had times where (mostly women) look at me crazy.. They are mostly out of shape; don't know what a fuckin treadmill is, never had a baked chicken breast, eatin one meal a day, think they can workout once a week, wearing spandex knowing good and dayum well, always buying clothes too dayum tight, but hair, nails and toes look good, wish they could look like me mutha fuckers.

I have had men stare me down winking as their girl walks ahead of them.. I have had men want to date me because of the muscle.  I have had some not want to date me because of the muscle.

All in all , I say fuck you if you can't take me for me.  I am sorry that you aren't happy within yourself.  This is me so deal with it.
Have A Dre' Day!!!

Please follow me on my YouTube Channel: Haveadreday
Instagram: Search : Sistahasmuscles

Photographer: Reg Bradford

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Black Women DON'T Workout!!!!

Lol, Got your attention with that title huh???  Well, we ARE getting better but have a long way to go...

As you know, I have been a personal trainer for almost 20 years now.  I have heard it all.

One thing that really got me upset when I first started was trying to get Black women in the gym.  I heard all kinds of excuses, but the main was, "I don't want to sweat and mess up my hair".   Are you Fucking kidding me...?

I am a weave queen.  Have been for years.  It is easier for me to handle and mange.  I know those of you who go to the salon for a minimum of 5 hrs a pop, don't want to wet and sweat out your hair... But you do it in bed with your mate though.. hmmmmmmm  lol

On a real note..

Why do women care so much about their nails, toes and hair before their bodies?

Well, if you ask me it is an excuse.. a cover up because of laziness.

4-5 hours in the salon is ridiculous.  I know because I have been there.  My time is way too precious for that ish.

It bothers me when I am in the gym and I am the only Black woman in there.  It is not as bad as it use to be but we still have a ways to go.  I can't even say Women of Color because our Latino and Asian sistas be in there kicking it.  There are some gyms that meat markets and hang outs... I have one on the tip of my tongue but I am not going to go there.  LOL.  My sistas in there with gear on that they have no business wearing..
If your ass is too big and you have on leggings, please make sure a shirt covers up your butt.
Do you actually know what you look like from behind while on the treadmill?  Please don't get on the Eliptical....  wowowowow!!

Let me tell you about my sista's........

And get mad if you want to I really don't care.......

If you are in your 30's with a BIG ass that your man told you not to lose... can you imagine what you are going to look like at 35?  I fat ass mess.  Yeah, .... I said it.  An ass, butt, glutes, whatever  you want to call it is FAT and muscle.  If you have piled on enough fat, over the years, it is going to get bigger if you don't get in the gym and hit the weights, do some cardio and eat right.

You don't have to go on a strict diet.... just clean up your act.  Big ass bellies in a BodyCon dress is gross.  Really, when you bought that dress and you saw the rolls in the mirror did you think that was attractive?  Where is the mind set these days.. Where did this come from?  Your MAN?  Chile, Please..

As we get older, it gets harder and harder to get the weight off.  That is no joke.  Don't fall in that trap saying I am going to the gym and month after month goes by....while you are gaining pound after pound per month.

Take control of yourself and do it for you.  You can still workout and have a cute hairstyle if that is your issue.. I just want you in the gym.  If you can't afford a membership go walk around your neighborhood.  Start a Workout Group at your job and walk at lunch.  I have a few clients that do that as well and has been very effective.

If you can't afford a good eating plan, I have a GIVEAWAY you might want to enter, For a free customized eating plan for a month.

The more you enter the better the chances of winning..

Whatever you decide, do something for YOURSELF.. You only have One life....Get healthy and look good in the process....


All Natural? Put some OIL in that Childs head!!!


Ok, about a week ago I made a comment about mothers/fathers putting oil and or sheen in Natural hair on kids on Facebook.

Dammit... I meant it..

I can elaborate more on here.

I am soooooo sick of seeing little girls  with dry as hay ass hair.  And on top of that it is not combed.  WTF??

Why would you let your child go out of the house looking like that.  When I was coming up that would NEVER happen.  And a lot of us had natural hair.  Put some Ultra Sheen in that hair and call it a day.

Okay, for those of you that do not know what natural hair is... It is where the hair that grows from the  scalp and has no chemical processing.  For Black hair that means that it CAN be course, curly, wavy,  fine or straight.  We have a whole lot of different grades of hair..

I am speaking on the course hair.  Yeah, it may be cute to see the girls  with the bows and headbands in their hair but if it looks like a wool ass rug that mess is a mess.  Parents actually think it is okay.. I see it in the mall, grocery story and even going to school and quite frankly I can't stand it..
Ashy looking hair that is all tangled up with a bow.. REALLY.  LOL

Little girls need to have their self esteem caressed.  That means that they have to feel good about how they look.  Mom/Dad, don't let your little girl be that one that everyone talks about.  Because trust me they do.. Even your friends, but they just won't tell ya.

That goes for braids too.  Personally, Im not a fan of braids...
Just because yo ass is lazy and does not want to do your childs head.. does not mean that you can get braids in your daughters head and not get touch ups.. That means around the hairline get then re-done with they start to look sloppy.  Now if she is in sports and is always sweating.. great hairstyle..

I was volunteering at my son's school last year and I saw a little girls braid fall on the floor because they needed to be redone.. One of the other kids picked it up and started SCREAMING.. "YOUR HAIR IS FALLING OUT".  I had to explain to the child that it was not her real hair.. The little girl with the braids was devastated.  That mother knew good and dayum well when she walked out the house that that childs head was fucked up.

I hate going to the barbershop every other week, but I will not have my son's head looking cray.. believe that.

Now for the other side of this.. INTERRACIAL HAIR.

I have seen a lot of White mothers with their kids hair looking like hay.. really,, the color and everything.. looks like hay.. (It can be pretty (color) but it needs luster.. )
That is because you can't take care of your childs hair like you take care of yours.. It is not the same.. it is MIXED.   Put some OIL in it.... dayum... You can't wash their hair every day...

  Some on the prettiest hair I have seen has come from interracial kids.  I love the wave pattern..  but a lot of them grow up hating their hair cos their moms didn't take the time to learn how to take care of it.

Aveda is a great hair product for mixed hair.  Try the Be Curly.  Smells incredible too.  No, I do not work for them but I love their products.

I don't see this issue with Black women who have kids with white men other than it might be too dayum greasy.. SMH...

I don't believe the "Good Hair"  thang either.. there is no such thing as Good Hair.. people stop saying that shyt.  If you take care of your hair, i.e. wash and condition it.... it is good.

Thats all I have to say on this..... Thank you..

Friday, August 17, 2012

He Told Me I Need To Lose Weight


This goes for the you guys and gals.  Have you ever had your mate tell you that you need to lose weight?

Maybe they said it nicely; or maybe they didn't.  The worst way is that they are hinting around that you need to lose some inches..

LISTEN PEOPLE:  if you are in a relationship and your mate tells you that DONT GET AN ATTITUDE... listen to them...

What they are actually tell you is is that they don't find you attractive any more.  Trust me... when I tell you this.  I have been in the fitness business for almost 20 years.  I have heard everything under the sun.

It is natural to pick up a few pounds over the years.... but that is a FEW.

If you were a size 8 when you met him and yo azz is a 24 now... do you think he thinks that is sexy in bed ladies..??? REALLY.. yeah he might tell you that he loves you (which I'm sure he does) but he doesn't love those extra rolls that you have developed over the years.. after the kids, etc.

And on the other note.. you don't even feel sexy about your dayum self... That is why you cover up in the bedroom.  Big old ugly tree shirts... Lights out....REALLY?  Ask yourself and be real .....
CAN YOU MAKE LOVE WITH THE LIGHTS ON..????      Get in Shape..

Oh yeah guys... this goes for yo azz too.  What about that gut you have hanging between your legs???  What about that Dicky Do???  That means your stomach sticks out more than your Dicky Do.  UGH

Love is strong..... but women;  men are very VISUAL..

That is why there are so many affairs going on... They don't like to look at your azz.. so they are messing around with someone at work, Starbucks, kids football games, etc.

Don't be that bytch.  Get your butt in the gym. Take some Zumba,  Hire a trainer..... get on a good eating plan.. If anything start within first.....

Don't get an ATTITUDE about the weight issue.... do something about it..

For your mate to come to you with this situation.... they want you to fix it... what they don't want is you to rebel and EAT more.....


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Let Me Touch You

Alright.. I know the title is something that you were thinking was going to be nasty.. LMMFO.. NOT..
I want to touch you in a way that gets you motivated to get your lazy ass off the couch and into the gym.

I am sick and tired of people saying what they want to do and what they are going to do.. but all the while they are watching others HANDLE UP making "their" dreams come true. Stop letting months go by and you haven't done anything.. STOP IT..

Who does that shyt.. ?

I am also tired of people saying, I can't because I am getting old, I can't because I don't have time, I can't because I have kids, I can't because I can't afford a gym membership.  I can't I can't I can't


I see Senior Citizens run faster than me....
Gyms are now open 24hours dayum it..
I am a single mother and get my ass in the gym.. most gyms have Daycare..
The newer gyms now are $10 per month.. If you can't afford that you need to look at your budget.. I am sure that COMBO you ordered for your kids at the fast food joint (cos you don't have time to cook so you say) would handle more than half of that.

Make time for your fitness.  Stop being afraid of getting Yo azz in SHAPE!!!

Stop blaming your childhood, past relationships, and food addictions  on you being FAT!!

Yeah, I said it...... FAT!!!

We are always tip toeing around that word.. IT IS WHAT IT IS..  FAT

I am not here to belittle your or hurt your feelings.. you don't ever have to come back to my blog.. This is my outlet..

You can learn and enjoy, or keep doing what your doing..

I will try to blog often because I have a lot of ish to get off my chest.. hahahahahahaha!!!

Good nite Loves!!

I am doing a GIVEAWAY on a 1 month Eating Plan.. just click on the link below SUBSCRIBE to my page; comment on why you want to win.. GOOD LUCK!!

 Follow me on Instagram: dredillard