I woke up this morning with a comment on my LIKE page from some scrawny azz dude saying that the picture I posted of me last night was disgusting.. LMAO. Man....dont hate me because I have more muscle than you do. It trips me out on the responses that I get because of the way that my body looks.
I guess I kinda know how fat people feel.... (difference is I want and choose to look the way that I do) lets get that shyt CLEAR.
I have had so many women say to me during their assessment before hiring me....I want to get toned.. but I don't want to look like you.. I have never taken that personally because 10 x out of 10 then could NEVER look like me.. People have the misconception that they can build quality muscle in 6 months.. or hell even a fuckin year.. LMAO.. It takes years to build muscle.. We don't just wake up and look like this.. It takes crazy dedication to be a competitive bodybuilder.. Let's talk about that word for a moment.. BODYBUILDER. A bodybuilder is someone who sculpts their body. A competitor is someone who competes on stage for a title. So those of you who are in the gym pumping iron.. CHANGING your body..you are a bodybuilder. Plain and simple. In our industry there are just a handful of people in it.
The main thing that most can't do is the diet. The diet is the hardest thing about what we do. If it were easy everyone would do it and everyone would be fine. For a competitor it will make or break you.. Some have quit the sport because the diet deprives you of the things that make you feel comfortable. JUNK FOOD and they just have to CHEAT!! Not eating CLEAN food and sticking to your diet will make your body not be competitive. There are some who can do the diet easy but for most it is hard. It will make you learn a lot about who you really are..
I am guilty of looking at overweight people (when I am dieting) crazy as hell when I am in a restaurant. Don't let it be a buffet.. I know how to order when I go out when I am strict on my diet... the average person does not know how to take it down a dayum notch when they go out. If you are out with your mate.. and you are trying to cut back....order one plate and you guys share it.. Why do you feel the need to eat everything on your plate.. ??? dayum.. And stop ordering a damn diet drink. Shyt.
I can always tell when I am getting more toned. Yeah, there are sometimes when my body is smooth.. but then when I turn up the dayum heat on my diet, cardio is longer.. my body responds. I have a lot of muscle on my frame than the average woman. I am a former National Level Bodybuilder what can I say.. the other day I went into the store straight after working out. My arms where out and I had on spandex. I swear as soon as I walked thru the door.. all eyes on me. The stares that I got that day were positive. I have been places when I was getting ready for a show when men and women would actually come up to me and ask if they could touch my arms. LOL. Trip huh? This aint no freak show.. lol
Stares from insecure bitches
Then I have had times where (mostly women) look at me crazy.. They are mostly out of shape; don't know what a fuckin treadmill is, never had a baked chicken breast, eatin one meal a day, think they can workout once a week, wearing spandex knowing good and dayum well, always buying clothes too dayum tight, but hair, nails and toes look good, wish they could look like me mutha fuckers.
I have had men stare me down winking as their girl walks ahead of them.. I have had men want to date me because of the muscle. I have had some not want to date me because of the muscle.
All in all , I say fuck you if you can't take me for me. I am sorry that you aren't happy within yourself. This is me so deal with it.
Have A Dre' Day!!!
Please follow me on my YouTube Channel: Haveadreday
Instagram: Search : Sistahasmuscles
Photographer: Reg Bradford
I like your post, Dre and you are spot on. All the blow back you receive is definitely rooted in their insecurity. To hell with them.